As difficult as COVID-19 closures have been, they also have a silver lining: A pause in operations provides a rare opportunity to take a step back, reflect and proactively plan for the future. Changes brought about by COVID require a choice to either emerge doing business as usual or adapt for a better future. This session explores how one tourism business took advantage of its COVID closure to reflect on their purpose, passions, partnerships and positioning, then invest in building back better for long-term returns. Tim Lucier will kick start the Ideas Lab conversation, sharing Northern Edge Algonquin’s evolutions during the pandemic to respond to visitor needs, evolve their product offer and build new and strengthen existing relationships, to stage their business for future success.
Tim is a creative go-getter and grounded leader with roots in transformational tourism and wellness. An advocate for trusting your intuition and developing core habits to pursue big dreams, he uses his passion for efficiency & organization and his keen eye for detail in all his work. As the Operations Director at Northern Edge Algonquin, Tim excels in creating one-of-a-kind, unplugged retreats featuring forest accommodations, delicious meals, and a variety of facilitated activities to empower transformational leadership and deep connection in our communities.
Note: This session has been changed to address the new COVID-19 restrictions.
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